Christian DIMMER
Born in Prüm, Germany
2011 Waseda University; Lecturer
2008 University of Tokyo; Academic Staff; Tokyo, Japan
2008 Partner, frontoffice; Head of Urban Design and Landscape Planning
2005 Mitsubishi Estate Company Ltd.; Tokyo, Japan
2002 Arata Isozaki & Associates Architectural Atelier; Tokyo, Japan
1999 Laboratory of Green Area Planning, University of Kaiserslautern; Kaiserlautern, Germany
1998 EPI -Environmental Planning Institute; Tokyo, Japan
1998 Miyakawa Environmental Planning & Design; Tokyo, Japan
1992 Grohmann Engineering Manufacturing Technologies Ltd. Prüm/ Germany1999 PlanArt; Kaiserlautern, Germany
2008 – 2010 Post-doctoral researcher, University of Tokyo (collaborating research Yoshimi Shunya)
2008 PhD, University of Tokyo, Faculty of Urban Engineering (advisor: Dr. Nishimura Yukio and Dr.Kitazawa Takeru)
2001 Masters in Spatial and Environmental Planning - Technical University of Kaiserslautern, (Advisors: Albert Speer and Marcus Neppl)
2003 Umeda Station District, international urban design competition, Osaka/ Japan: Honorary mention
1999 City centre renaissance Kaiserslautern/ Germany, international urban design competition: first prize
2008 – 2010 Post-doctoral fellowship Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS)
2001 Monbukagakusho Doctoral Research Scholarship
1998 DAAD (German Academic Exchange Service) research grant